Our Engineering students have been exposed to many industry professionals in the past few weeks and more to come:
1. We will go to KUBTEC Medical next week.
2. Few more field trips to Straton Industries and Beta Shim.
3. Speakers from WillRich Metrology
4. Field trip to GE Appliances.
We had two great company guest speakers this week:
Omega Engineering professionals talked about career development, how to get internships and jobs, and shared their personal stories about becoming successful engineers.
Target Arm was presented by our own alumni, Gabe Bitencourt, and they even showed us a demo, it was great to see how drone operations are finding amazing applications.
We hosted our first Engineering Advisory board this week. It was very insightful and thought-provoking. We are so lucky to be in the company of great industry partners in the region.
We were also honored and proud to have recent graduates Gabriel Bitencourt and Michael O'Hara as board members along with our current senior student Kaitlyn Mangano.